Arti File Your ERC Online
Step 1

Eligibility Information

Step 2

Additional Details

Get up to $26,000 per employee

Find out if your business is eligible for the Employer Retention Tax Credit in just 3 Minutes

Company Details

First name

Last Name


Legal Company Name

Entity type

Company Website - optional -

When was the businesses started?

If created after February 15, 2020 cannot file 2020 941X

Full time W2 Employees in 2021

(Excluding owners)

Part Time W2 Employees in 2021

(Excluding owners)
How was your businesses affected?

Every business was impacted. Check all of the following that delayed, disrupted or negatively impacted your business as a result of COVID, even it if was a minor change:

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Getting Started
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    See if you qualify for the Employer Retention Credit. No upfront costs.

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    Complete your claim in 30 minutes or less if you qualify

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    See if you also qualify for a no-credit cash advance!

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    Our tax professionals will verify your eligibility & claim value

Want an ERC Cash Advance?

If you've already filed your ERC, you may be eligible for a cash advance.